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Monday, November 28, 2011

Spending money for growth

My usual end of the year requests for money are filling my mailbox. They all bring good news about people and actions that are changing this world.,,, They are organizations that are bringing people together to resolve conflict where mostly guns are drawn and threats are made and children are left to live in terror if they live at all.  Some of the groups are actively supporting the vulnerable and persecuted. the one group that I pay attention to every year at this time but that I have not had the courage to join is the National War Tax Resistance coordinating Committee. These are folks who refuse to support war and violence with their money. they have several ideas and stories about those who have either chosen to put their war tax percentage into a group that works for peace and justice or they choose not to make enough money to pay taxes.
Certainly they are not just protestors. They demonstrate ethical fiscal integrity.
As Julia Butterfly Hill states in the recent newsletter, "One of the greatest tools we have in the world today is our money....'green energy'....where we plant it, it will grow. If we plant our green energy in...people who are at work helping heal our world and planet, then we grow more beauty, connections, equity, and health."
Ms. Hill is featured in NWTRCC's film, DEATH AND TAXES.

Saturday, November 12, 2011


This blog has been working on me for 15 years. I would like to say playing with me so as not to be serious about the change that is happening everywhere but to celebrate arrival of the new fabric we are weaving.

So nothing is new in my blog and yet everything is new.

I started wanting to name it Good News deciding it was time to revalue do gooders who are well-meaning but perhaps naïve and unrealistic reformers who may appear to be interfering and disturbing the way things and the way we justify things should be. Those not following the social protocol by doing that which is morally right rather than that which maintains the status quo.